"Green Jobs Network" - Promoting Ecotourism and Organic Farming as Innovative Employment Mechanisms and Sustainable Local Development in Rural Areas in the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-border Area


This system supports all those interested in finding a job or opening a business in the field of organic farming and is made available by the City Hall of Videle.
The large-scale project is worth 1.2m euros and is funded by the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020.

The project activities are:

  1. Project Management Activities
  2. Online advertising activities
  3. Developing a cross-border business incubator for ecotourism and organic farming
  4. Developing a joint cross-border strategy and information platform for green jobs in rural areas
  5. Delivery and installation of 4 Info-kiosks placed in public places in both municipalities - Lyaskovets Municipality and Videle Municipality
  6. Organizing joint training programs and courses to improve mobility in rural areas
  7. Organization of language courses to increase the mobility of the workforce
  8. Organization of joint cross-border bazaars (labor exchanges) to promote ideas, opportunities and good practices for creating employment in the cross-border region
  9. Organization of Summer Academy